What if the Sun Exploded Tomorrow

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This is what if it happen if the sun exploded tomorrow. That’s star at the center of our solar system. That’s super hot bowl of plasma and energy and amazing black stuff. Well it’s a ticking time bomb the sun is about 10 billion years old but it’s only expected to last about another 5 billion years. After that, the sun will expand, becoming a red giant, then it will shrink to become a white dwarf dying star cooling for the next several billion years. Of course we will all be long gone before any of that happens. But still, can you imagine what it would be like to watch the sun blow up before your very eyes. What is a name like supernova you think that a solar explosion would be the most magnificent fireworks show the world is ever seen in reality.

You likely wouldn’t see anything. It is 150,000,000 km away from earth. Takes eight minutes for light from the sun to reach us. It seems super far away in supernova terms. We don’t stand a chance for earth to be completely safe from a supernova. We need to be at least 50 to 100 light years away. But, the good news is that if the sun were to explode tomorrow, the resulting shockwave wouldn’t be strong enough to destroy the whole earth, only the side facing the sun. The lucky other half would experience a rise in temperature. It would be 15 times hotter than the sun’s current surface temperature and permanent darkness and without the suns mass keeping us in orbit earth would likely start floating off into space while its remaining inhabitants desperately struggle to stay alive.

There is a chance that our planet could lock into orbit around another star that might provide the same light but by the time that happened we’d all be long gone if we knew in advance the day the sun will explode. Could by ourselves as many as 1000 years of time to sustain ourselves for that long and we could just be a few meters below the ground you walk on. The earth is maintaining a temperature of about 17°. So, if we had enough time to prepare civilization could continue to live by moving underground into a huge network fortified bunkers. Within a week after the explosion the surface temperature on earth will drop to -18°. In a year temperatures would plummet -73°. At this point, freeze from the top down within one sounds atmosphere would freeze collapse leaving anything left on the surface exposed to cosmic radiation. Hopefully, by that point we would have found ourselves a new home.

Good news is that if the sun end it will eventually happen. It wouldn’t happen overnight. If the sun does die, it will be a long slow arduous process taking place over billions of years. The sun will get hotter brighter start to expand. During this process it will lose its outer layers to the cosmos leading to the creation of other stars and planets in the same way that the file is first of the big bang created earth. Maybe new life could form. Can you imagine humanoid species. It’s hard to predict how our galaxy might look billions of years from now and it’s especially hard to imagine our solar system without the great golden anchor that keeps us all together but one day in the fairy fairy distant future the sun will expand and then it will shrink maybe leaving room for a new start to take its place and if by some miracle humanity still exists that point where am I. Can you imagine you’re just sent to being born on the space station well that’s a story for another time.

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